Pelvic and hip replacement surgery is one of the surgeries that removes the damaged part of the femoral cartilage from the bone and replaces it with an artificial component. This artificial component is called a prosthesis. Hip replacement is one of the most difficult surgeries because it is one of the largest joints in the body between the femur and the pelvis. This joint has a cartilage that causes it to move slowly and evenly. When people suffer from a lot of pain in this area, hip replacement can be a way to treat them.
Read more: Knee replacement
Why is hip and hip replacement necessary?
In general, pain and inflammation, swelling, and stiffness in the pelvis can occur for one of three reasons:
Osteoarthritis Arthritis:
In this case, the femur is worn and as a result, it increases the pain in the pelvis.
Traumatic arthritis:
In this case, the person has an autoimmune disease. This means that the joint fluid is overproduced and causes the destruction of cartilage and thus aggravates pelvic pain.
Rheumatoid arthritis:
This type of pain is caused by a pelvic injury or fracture. In this case, the cartilage and pelvic bone are damaged and need to be replaced.
One of the most important symptoms of this surgery is the stiffness of the joint and the consequent restriction of the movements that the person has been able to perform. For example, in this situation, the person is unable to walk due to severe pain. For diagnosis, a physical examination or X-ray can be taken.
What is hip and hip replacement surgery like?
If analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs along with physiotherapy are not effective in relieving pain, surgery should be considered. To perform this surgery, the whole person is anesthetized and the incision is made in such a way that access to the femur is possible and the joint is separated from the pelvis and the damaged parts are removed from it. The required equipment is then inserted into the pelvis to reconnect, and a sheet of metal, ceramic, or plastic is placed in the pelvis. All these equipments that are used are connected to each other by a special material. The incision is then sewn to form a so-called repair and weld.
Under what circumstances is surgery needed?
• No pain relief despite medication.
• Causes many problems in walking.
• You can not sleep well.
• Inability to climb or descend stairs.
• Tired of sitting in a fixed position.
What is the care before pelvic and hip replacement surgery?
You should have a consultation with your surgeon to inform him of your physical condition.
• Provide a complete description of your treatment and medical history.
• Perform a general examination to diagnose the health of your heart and other organs.
• Check the extent of the injury before the operation.
• Perform blood tests, x-rays, and sometimes MRIs.
What is the care after surgery?
In general, after surgery, you should be very careful not to move and make strong movements. For this reason, you should observe the following points:
• Avoid bending the leg inwards apart.
• Put a pillow between your legs for 6 weeks.
• Do not spread your legs and knees more than 90 degrees.
• Never sit in single chairs.
• Do not bend at all to lift anything.
• Use the toilet to go to the bathroom.
After 6 to 12 weeks, your condition has greatly improved, but it usually takes 6 to 12 months to return to normal.
What are the risks of hip and hip replacement surgery?
This issue has something to do with your age. But in general there may be the following side effects:
• Infection
• Dislocation
• Fracture of the femur or pelvis
• Damage to nerves or blood vessels
• Formation of blood clots in the legs
• Foot size inequality
• Loss of nerves in the thigh.
• Increased pain
• Gap formation
• Pressure sores
Dear Companions, The patient’s condition after pelvic and hip replacement surgery is a bit complicated and difficult. Therefore, in order to get the desired result, it requires the cooperation of those around you and, of course, the person himself, so that his physical condition returns to its original state. You can also refer to here to learn more about the complications of hip replacement.